What SWAT Needs
Equipping the Team
The same thing that makes this SWAT team unique is also what makes it difficult to keep it outfitted
and equipped with the best and safest equipment. Keeping up to 100 members of the team equipped
is difficult in good budget times, let alone the current fiscal situation facing San Diego and so many
other cities in America.
SWAT Needs
Priority needs:
Mini-CALIBER® SWAT Robot & options Quantity: 2 at $50,000 each Total: $100,000​
The TLR lights SRT team Quantity: 100 at $100-120 each Total: $10,000-$12,000
Replacement equipment for trauma pouches Quantity: 100 at $118.00 each Total: $11,800.00
Mobile Armored Shield Level III Quantity: 14 at $3,975.00 each Total: $58,807.00
How You Can Help
Your monetary donation will help purchase the equipment SWAT needs for the team.
Sponsor the Golf Tournament - many levels to choose from and all sponsorships include participation the day of the Tournament and Dinner
Purchase a dinner ticket and join the SWAT team and Citizens for SWAT for dinner after golf - special celebrity guests, Live Auction items, networking within the San Diego community and lots of chances to meet and mingle with the SWAT team
Sponsorship Levels
$15,000 Commanding Officer Sponsor
Company Banner at Event
Logo and Company Link on Website for One Year
Special Recognition at Post Golf Event
Plaque for Office
Three (3) Foursomes for Golf
$10,000 Executive Officer Sponsor
Company Banner at Event
Logo and Company Link on Website for One Year
Special Recognition at Post Golf Event
Plaque for Office
One (1) Foursome for Golf
$5,000 Tactical Team Leader Sponsor
Name on Welcome Banner
Logo on Website for One Year
Plaque for Office
One (1) Foursome for Golf